- DAWES, Robyn M., Everyday Irrationality : How Pseudo-Scientists, Lunatics, and the Rest of Us Systematically Fail to Think Rationally. [Cited by 48] (9.94/year)
- GIGERENZER, Gerd and Reinhard SELTEN (Editors), 2001. Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox. [Cited by 269] (46.14/year)
- GIGERENZER, Gerd, Peter M. TODD, and the ABC Research Group, Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart. [Cited by 318] (40.25/year)
- GILOVICH, Thomas, How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life. [Cited by 373] (23.56/year)
- GILOVICH, Thomas, Dale GRIFFIN and Daniel KAHNEMAN (Editors), 2002. Heuristics and Biases : The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment. [Cited by 231] (47.83/year)
- HASTIE, Reid and Robyn M. DAWES, Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making, 2001. [Cited by 67] (11.49/year)
- KAHNEMAN, Daniel and Amos TVERSKY (Edited by), 2000. Choices, Values and Frames. [Cited by 1454] (212.89/year)
- KAHNEMAN, Daniel, Paul SLOVIC and Amos TVERSKY (Edited by), 1982. Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. [Cited by 2857] (115.06/year)
- LeBON, Gustave, The Crowd A Study of the Popular Mind, 1896. [Cited by 180] (37.27/year)
- PIATTELLI-PALMARINI, 1994. Massimo, Inevitable Illusions: How Mistakes of Reason Rule our Minds [Cited by 121] (9.43/year)
- PLOUS, Scott, The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making, 1993. [Cited by 343] (24.80/year)
- TESSER, Abraham and Norbert SCHWARZ (Edited by), Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intraindividual Processes. [Cited by 2] (0.41/year)
Recommended: Kahneman and Tversky (2000) and Kahneman, Slovic and Tversky (1982)
Efficient Markets Hypothesis
- BERNSTEIN, Peter L., Capital Ideas : The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street. [Cited by 176] (12.67/year)
- CAMPBELL, John Y., Andrew W. LO and A. Craig MacKINLAY, 1996. The Econometrics of Financial Markets. [Cited by 2318] (260.71/year)
- COOTNER, Paul H. (Edited by), The Random Character of Stock Market Prices, 1964. [Cited by 216] (31.34/year)
- CUTHBERTSON, Keith, Quantitative Financial Economics : Stocks, Bonds and Foreign Exchange, 1996. [Cited by 64] (22.14/year)
- LO, Andrew W. (Edited by), Market Efficiency: Stock Market Behaviour in Theory and Practice, 1997. [Cited by 26] (2.63/year)
- LO, Andrew W. and A. Craig MacKINLAY, A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street. [Cited by 186] (38.03/year)
- LOFTHOUSE, Stephen, Investment Management. [Cited by 11] (1.87/year)
- MALKIEL, Burton G., A Random Walk Down Wall Street. [Cited by 436] (112.05/year)
- SHLEIFER, Andrei, Inefficient Markets : An Introduction to Behavioral Finance, 2000. [Cited by 469] (68.06/year)
Recommended: Campbell, Lo And Mackinlay (1996), Malkiel (various) and Shleifer (2000)
Behavioural Finance
- BELSKY, Gary and Thomas GILOVICH, 1999. Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakesand how to correct them : lessons from the new science of behavioral economics [Cited by 47] (6.88/year)
- CORNELL, Bradford, 1999. The Equity Risk Premium : the Long-Run Future of the Stock Market, 1999. [Cited by 32] [Cited by 14] (1.79/year)
- GARBER, Peter M., Famous First Bubbles: The Fundamentals of Early Manias. [Cited by 66] (11.32/year)
- GOLDBERG, Joachim and Rüdiger von NITZSCH, Behavioral Finance, 2001. [Cited by 3] (0.38/year)
- KRITZMAN, Mark P., 2002. Puzzles of Finance : Six Practical Problems and Their Remarkable Solutions. [Cited by 14] (2.05/year)
- MONTIER, James, 2002. Behavioural Finance: Insights into Irrational Minds and Markets. [Cited by 22] (4.55/year)
- NOFSINGER, John R., 2001. Investment Madness : How Psychology Affects Your Investing--and What to Do About It, [Cited by 7] (1.20/year)
- SELDEN, G. C., 1965. Psychology of the Stock Market [Cited by 1] (0.55/year)
- SHEFRIN, Hersh (Editor), 2001. Behavioral Finance [Cited by 12] (2.06/year)
- SHEFRIN, Hersh, 2000. Beyond Greed and Fear : Understanding Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing. [Cited by 136] (28.16/year)
- SHILLER, Robert J., 2000, 2006. Irrational Exuberance. [Cited by 1045] (571.00/year)
- SHLEIFER, Andrei, 2000. Inefficient Markets : An Introduction to Behavioral Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Cited by 469] (68.67/year)
- SINGAL, Vijay, Beyond the Random Walk : A Guide to Stock Market Anomalies and Low-Risk Investing. [Cited by 12] (3.13/year)
- THALER, Richard H. (Editor), 1993. Advances in Behavioral Finance. [Cited by 177] (12.80/year)
- THALER, Richard H., The Winner's Curse: Paradoxes and Anomalies of Economic Life [Cited by 392] (26.43/year)
- THALER, Richard H., Quasi Rational Economics. [Cited by 278] (17.56/year)
- TVEDE, Lars, The Psychology of Finance: Understanding the Behavioural Dynamics of Markets. [Cited by 22] (1.31/year)
Recommended: Shefrin (2000), Shiller (2000) and Shleifer (2000)